Simu T5 AUTO+SHORT Скачать руководство пользователя страница 4











 After the first two consecutive opening and closing of the shutter :

- The motor memorizes automatically the end limit ( up and down) positions.

- The «stop on obstacle» function is activated. 

It is advised to carry out these two opening / closing cycles as soon as the product is installed.

In the case of a new installation with this operator, it is advised to reset the motor according to the 

following procedure:

- Press 3 consecutive times, for 1s each time, on the UP key. The motor runs briefly at each press.

-  Press 3 consecutive times on the DOWN key. The first two press for 1s (the motor runs briefly at each press) 

and the third press for 2s. The motor runs twice in the same direction.






1 s


1 s



1 s


1 s


1 s



2 s

- 3 operators (max.) can be wired in parallel on one switch.

- Attach cables to prevent any contact with moving parts.

-  If the motor is used outdoors and if the power supply cable is of the H05-VVF type, then run the cable in a 

UV-resistant conduit, e.g. trunking.

-  The motor can not be use with control devices such as: emergency power supply (ie: regulated power 

supply, power generating unit, triac, ex, …). Use only mechanical or electromechanical switches (e.g. 

relays) to control a motor. The relay contacts must not be bypassed by capacitors.



This drive is maintenance-free.

- Press the ▲ button on the control point to raise the motorised product. 

- Press the ▼ button on the control point to lower the motorised product.

Tips and recommendations for use:




The motorised product does not operate. The overheating protection on 

the drive has been activated.

Wait for the drive to cool down.

If the motorised product still does not work, contact a drive and home automation professional.













Simu SAS, F-70103 GRAY as manufacturer hereby declares that the drive covered by these instructions when marked for input voltage 230V~50Hz and 

used as intended according to these instructions, is in compliance with the essential requirements of the applicable European Directives and in particular of 

the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and EMC Directive 2014/30/EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at Fabrice 

GLORIEUX, general director, GRAY, 11/2018.

We care about our environment. Do not dispose of the appliance with usual household waste. Give it to an approved 

collection point for recycling.

Содержание T5 AUTO+SHORT

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