Setup Menu
At the first level of the menu, the arrow keys navigate up or down through the
available Menu Selections.
Function Menu
The second level of the menu contains the functions or software parameters
that need to be configured for the counter to operate properly.
Option Menu
Contains either Choice Lists or Numerical Values for configuring the func-
tions of the counter
Choice List
A choice list allows selection from a fixed number of options. A Choice List
is found in the Options section of the menu. The list is made up of the avail-
able options for the function that is being edited. Example: Menu is Input
Setup Menu, the Function is A Channel, the Choice List is up, down, quad,
and rquad. (See Table 6)
Numerical Value
A numerical entry allows the changing of set point values, scale values, etc.
Keypad behavior
Selects the next digit to the left of the current
flashing digit for editing.
The up and down keys increment or decrement
the flashing digit. Some parameters support
negative numbers. In these cases, the most
s i g n i f i c a n t d i g i t c a n b e m a d e n e g a t i ve by
incrementing it between "9" and "0."
Saves the values as the new setting for the
function in memory and advances to the next
function of the menu automatically.
Keypad behavior
T h e u p a n d d o w n key s s c r o l l t h r o u g h t h e
available choices in the Choice list.
Saves the current choice as new parameter
setting and steps to next parameter or category.