This Instrument is designed to prevent accidental shock to the operator when
properly used. However, no engineering design can render safe an instrument
which is used carelessly. Therefore, this manual must be read carefully and
completely before making any measurements. Failure to follow directions can
result in serious or fatal accident.
SHOCK HAZARD: As defined in American National Standard, C39.5,
Requirements for Electrical & Electronic Measuring & Controlling Instrumenta-
tion, a shock hazard shall be considered to exist at any part involving a potential
in excess of 30 volts RMS (sine wave) or 42.4 volts DC or peak and where a
leakage current from that part to ground exceeds 0.5 milliampere, when mea-
sured with an appropriate measuring instrument defined in Section 11.6.1 of
ANSI C39.5.
NOTE: The proper measuring instrument for the measurement of leakage cur-
rent consists essentially of a network of a 1500 ohm non-inductive resistor shunted
by a 0.15 microfarad capacitor connected between the terminals of the measur-
ing instrument. The leakage current is that portion of the current that flows through
the resistor. The Simpson Model 229-Series 2 AC Leakage Current Tester meets
the ANSI C39.5 requirements for the measurement of AC leakage current and
can be used for this purpose. To measure DC Leakage current, connect a 1500
ohm non-inductive resistor in series with a Simpson 0-500 DC microammeter
and use this as the measuring instrument.