on the face of the Instrument cover.
Set the function switch to the ADJ position; the Instrument should read
F. If it does not, correct the reading by turning the slotted adjusting
control (located below the Simpson trademark). When it becomes im-
possible to correct the reading to 32
F, replace the battery (paragraph
Temperature Measurements
Use extreme caution around electrical equipment. The thermistor probe tip
might inadvertently make electrical contact with a “live” circuit. The metallic
probe part could also become “live” and present a shock hazard to the user.
Do not use the probe in such a case until the electrical power is known to be
off. Once power is applied; avoid contact with the Instrument or cable. Be sure
the circuit is de-energized before removing the probe.
Locate probes at the points where temperature readings are desired.
When measuring air temperature, allow several minutes for the tempera-
ture of the probe sensing element to stabilize before taking a reading.
Liquid temperatures can be read within a few seconds after complete
immersion of the probe body. The general rule is to allow time for the
probe to attain the temperature of the object being measured.
Set function switch to the READ position.
Set the probe selector switch to the position selected for the first reading,
then read temperature.
Set probe selector switch to other positions being used and take rapid,
successive readings as often as desired.
When readings are completed, return function switch to the OFF posi-
tion. It is not necessary to disconnect leads from the tester.
Do not use probe in acids or other solutions which will damage the brass
shell or the plastic cord.
These servicing instructions are for use by qualified personnel only. To avoid
electrical shock, do not perform any servicing other than that contained in the
operating instructions unless you are qualified to do so.