The 385-3L has five Functions. Each Function is described in Table-3. Num-
bers on Table 3-1 correspond with each numbered Function on Figure 3-1.
Before attempting any operation of this Instrument, become familiar with each
Function. Practice readings will avoid mistakes and prolong the life of the
Front Panel
The following paragraphs will describe, with the aid of Figure 3-1, the princi-
pal controls of the 385-3L.
Figure 3-1. Panel Front
Table 3-1. Controls, Connectors, & Indicators
1. Zero Adjusting Screw:
If pointer is off zero, adjust screw slowly clock-
wise or counter-clockwise until the pointer
is exactly over the black diamond symbol,
(extreme left side of the dial).
2. Probe Connectors:
These provide connections for the probes
used with the 385-3L
3. Function Switch:
This is a three position switch: OFF, READ,
and ADJ. It is used to select the proper mode
for accurate readings.
4. Control Adjustment Screw: Use a screwdriver to turn this control. It is
used when the function switch is in the ADJ
5. Probe Selector:
A three-position switch used to select the
proper mode when taking a temperature