SL-889 HDMI 2.1 Cat-3 Cable EMI Tester
User Guide
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RF Scans and EMI Chamber measurements with the SL-889
HDMI 2.1 EMI Measurement
The SL-889 provides a complete transmit and receive solution of a compliant HDMI 2.1 signal output in a low noise
shielded enclosure. It can be used to measure the radiated emission levels of HDMI cables by taking RF level scans in a
calibrated EMI chamber.
EMI Chamber RF Emission Scans
Generally speaking RF emission scans for multimedia equipment are usually taken in 2 distinct frequency groups: 30
MHz-1 GHz see Figure 3.1., and 1GHz-6GHz see Figure 3.2. This is usually done because antenna, amplifier and chamber
requirements make this a convenient split and most standards recognize these splits. Additionally, most EMI test
specifications require that the DUT (e.g.Cable) be located at a fixed distance from the antenna (usually 3m or 10m), and
that horizontal and vertical scans be taken while simultaneously rotating the DUT 360 degrees while raising and
lowering the antenna to discover the position of maximum radiated energy.
Figure 3.1. 30MHz-1000MHz Scan
Figure 3.2. 1000MHz-6000MHz Scan