WaveNet Radio Network 3065
Page 12
The output is used to send signals to external systems
such as sensors, heaters,
lights and so on. The output is an electronic switch (open drain) which can operate
with up to 25 V and 650 mA.
A 6-pin color-coded cable is available for the optional connection of the I/Os. The
cable is plugged into the socket market ‘sensor’ on the Lock Node. For monitoring
tasks, up to three floating contacts can be connected between the green In-Common
line and one of the colored (blue, green, yellow) lines (see following diagram):
In the LDB and LSM user interfaces, an open contact has the value 0 while a closed
contact has the value 1. In the diagram above, for instance, if contact 1 is used for
monitoring a door, then when the door opens it will generate an event: ‘input 1
transition from 1 to 0’ (if contact 1 is closed when the door is closed and open when
the door is open).
Internally, the output is formed by a transistor wired as an Open Collector. The white
and black wires are available for connecting up external devices (such as buzzers).
Note: out = white; earth = black.
Wiring example:
Output, white
Earth, black