Every engine we produce, after having been assembled, is subjected to a dynamic
testing. We put them on a special test stand, fit a suitable propeller and start it.
This operation requires 4/6 hours at variable speeds, monitoring the temperatures.
At the same time, we run an optimal adjustment of the carburetor.
When installation your engine, you do only have to follow with good attention all
the given suggestions we have done to take full advantages that all Simonini engines
can give.
When connecting the throttle cable, pay special attention to the sequence
mounting the pin, its claps and the plastic collar, where the spring presses. This
sequence must be followed to avoid problems.
After having done the above, please check the air screw, which must be unscrewed
from totally closed position of 1-1,5 rounds. When finished, you can proceed with
the start.
With the throttle fully closed and the inserted choke you can try to make the starter:
do not hold the starter for more than 5 seconds. Once it is started, wait 4/5 seconds
and then gradually remove the choke until the engine turns on a regular basis.
Do not use the gas pedal when you try to start a cold engine: you could only choke
Once the engine gradually warmed up (1-2 minutes), accelerate and stabilize the gas
at about 3800/4000 rpm.
At this point, you can reduce the engine speed to the minimum, which must be set
at 2100/2200 rpm. If not, turn the idle screw and adjust properly.
If you have followed all the directions above, the result is an engine without any
starting problem, with a regular smooth idle and very stable.
Do tests of carburetion of maximum RPM on ground and RPM cruising speed always
on ground: check the spark plugs color and the EGT value.
How to process: after having anchored your airplane in the best way possible, warm
up the engine, take it to maximum RPM 5700/5800 for 15/20”, read the EGT
instrument and at the same time, turn off the engine decelerating.