IQ Power Wireless Link
5201319 Rev B
For more detailed instructions on connecting devices to the Control Station, please
refer to the instruction manual provided with the Control Station.
Once the devices have been addressed and disconnected from the Control Station,
connect the Bluetooth Adapter to the Control Station using the provided cable.
Check to ensure that the power switch on the Bluetooth Adapter is in the “On”
position. It should come from the factory in this state, and should not be switched
off at any time. Connect the Bluetooth Adapter to each Hub being used. Apply
power to the Hub and check for communication between the adapters. The
indicators on the adapters will light as follows:
1. Power indicator: lit (green)
2. Standby: not lit
3. Connect: lit (green)
– In systems with multiple Hubs, if all Hubs are not connected the
Control Station Bluetooth Adapter Connect light will flash (green).
4. Serial-Tx / Serial-Rx flicker (green) to indicate operation.
At the Control Station Serial-TX always flickers, Serial-Rx flickers (faintly)
when a device is connected to a Hub.
At the Hub Serial-Rx always flickers, Serial-Tx flickers (faintly) when a device is
connected to the Hub.
– It may take 15 to 30 seconds for a device to begin communicating.
Now that communications between the hub(s) and the Control Station have been
established, the devices can be plugged into the hub(s). The device icons should
begin to appear on the Control Station home screen with an incrementing timer.
Devices may take 15-30 seconds to appear.
The Hub and Bluetooth Adapter do not require regular periodic maintenance.
Occasional checking to ensure proper electrical connections, including that the
antenna is secure, may be made.