This allows you to select the type of processing associated
with sharpness adjustment. In the case of a progressive or
interlaced video signal VIDEO mode is advisable; with PC
graphic signals use GRAPHIC MODE.
This allows you to select the mode in which the input signal
is processed. Selecting the most appropriate value for a given
input signal ensures the best horizontal and vertical definition
and makes the picture sharper.
In AUTO the deinterlacer recognises if the video signal source
is a movie film (obtained from a Telecine device with 3:2 or 2:2
pull-down) and applies a deinterlace algorithm optimised for this
type of signal.
If the video signal source is not identified as a film, or if you
select NO the deinterlacer applies a Motion compensated
algorithm optimised for video camera signals.
Activates a filter to improve stability of pictures from video
recorders. To toggle between NORMAL and VCR mode, press
VCR on the remote control.
This menu features adjustments relating to picture position,
aspect ratio, magnification etc.
RGBS 32 kHz
YCrCb 32 kHz
aphics RGB
RGBS 15kHz
YCrCb 15kHz
Sharpness Mode
Present only if the Video Standard is NTSC
Cinema Mode
Modalita video
Video Type
personalised aspects (with user-settable parameters). You can
select a different aspect for each source: the selected aspect
ratio will be automatically called the next time the relative source
is called.
You can also select the required aspect ratio by repeatedly
pressing the
key, or by pressing
and a numerical key
The following aspects are available.
Projects the image occupying the full height of the screen
while maintaining the aspect ratio of the input signal. When
the input signal aspect ratio is 4:3 black vertical bands are
displayed on the right and left of the picture.
Allows a 16:9 picture to be displayed correctly.
Serves to display 4:3 letterbox image (with source signal
having black bands above and below the picture) so that it
fills the 16:9 screen and maintains the correct aspect ratio.
This aspect stretches the 4:3 image, slightly cropping the
upper and lower parts.
Panoramic is ideal for displaying a 4:3 image on the 16:9
screen of the Display.
This aspect displays the image as it is input without adapting
it to the screen.
The image is projected in the centre of the screen and if its
horizontal and/or vertical dimensions are smaller than the
display, it is bounded by vertical and/or horizontal black
USER 1, 2, 3
When none of the preset formulas are suitable, the User
formulas are available, with the facility for continuous
horizontal and vertical adjustment of picture size.
These adjustments, available for progressive signals and for
signals from PC, ensure correspondence between the number
of pixels making up the signal and the number of pixels making
up the projected image.
These parameters do not normally require adjustment because
the system checks the input signal and automatically sets the
most suitable values.
However, if the image appears disturbed (loss of position within
the equidistant vertical bands or instability and lack of sharpness
on the narrow vertical lines) it may help to prompt the system to
repeat the input signal analysis and determination of the best
parameters by calling the automatic adjustment procedure with
the AUTO key on the remote control or on the keypad.
If the automatic procedure fails to have the required effect, enter
the frequency and phase values manually and approach the
screen sufficiently to observe the effects of the adjustments.
Changes the colour balance of the image.
Colours can be adjusted towards the red end of the spectrum
(low colour temperature values - expressed in degrees Kelvin)
or the blue end (high values).
Colour temperature can be selected with three preset values:
Table 4
Use this adjustment to position the image vertically and
horizontally. Determines the aspect ratio of the projected image.
These parameters do not normally require adjustment because
the system checks the input signal and automatically sets the
most suitable values.
However, if the image is not perfectly centralised it may prove
useful to request the system to repeat the input signal analysis
and image positioning, calling the automatic control procedure
from the AUTO button on the remote control or keypad. When
this procedure is called it is helpful to have a white or light
coloured background on the screen in the current picture.
This adjustment allows you to change the dimensions and aspect
ratio (relationship between width and height) of the displayed
image. There are five preset aspects available and three