Confirmation before Use
1. Confirm the
2. Use in this kind
used voltage
of place
● Check if the service
● Plain plateform,
voltage is same as
surface, level plane
the product voltage
without inclination
Assembly and Use
1. Setting of hook
2. Water feeding
● Install the hook
Open safety valve,
according to the
● then use funnel and
drawing,hang power
measuring cup to feed
wire and vapour
water into pressure
tube on the hook.
container Water amount
should not exceed SR-
3. Confirmation of
4. Power connection
water level
● After confirmation
● Use measuring rod to confirm
of the voltage insert
water amount in pressure container
the plug, switch on
(less than SR-5800/2.3ℓ,SR-5800L/
power switch and iron
3.5ℓ)After confirmation of amount of
water,safety valve should be closed.
5. Thermolator
6. Normal use
adjusted to high
● When the pointer
of pressure meter
● Adjust the thermolator
indicate 3.5 bar, LED
to the position of high
indicator will light up.
Then vapour switch
can be pressed for