Figure 5.3. Typical Output Spectrum of the BRD2603A in the 921 MHz Band
As shown in the figures, the fundamental is a bit lower than 14 dBm in the 868 MHz bans, and a bit higher than 14 dBm in the bands
above 900 MHz. So, it is under the ETSI, FCC, and ARIB limits in all bands. The unwanted emissions are also under their correspond-
ing limit, so the conducted spectrums are compliant with the regulation limits.
5.3.2 Radiated Power Measurements
The output power of the ZGM230S was set to 14 dBm. The board was supplied through its USB connector by connecting to a PC
through a USB cable.
During the measurements, the board was rotated in three cuts. See the reference plane illustration in the figure below. The radiated
powers of the fundamental and the harmonics were measured with horizontal and vertical reference antenna polarizations.
Figure 5.4. DUT Reference Planes
UG532: ZGM230S Dev Kit User's Guide
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