S i 5 3 4 5 - E V B
Rev. 1.1
11. Writing a New Frequency Plan or Device Configuration to Non-Volatile
Memory (OTP)
Writing to the device non-volatile memory (OTP) is
the same as writing a configuration into the Si5345 using
ClockBuilderPro on the Si5345 EVB. Writing a configuration into the EVB from ClockBuilderPro is done using Si5345
RAM space and can be done virtually unlimited numbers of times. Writing to OTP is limited as described below.
Refer to the Si534x/8x Family Reference Manuals and device data sheets for information on how to write a
configuration to the EVB DUT’s non-volatile memory (OTP). The OTP can be programmed a maximum of
times only. Care must be taken to ensure the configuration desired is valid when choosing to write to OTP.
12. Si5345-EVB Schematic, Layout, and Bill of Materials (BOM)
The Si5345 EVB Schematic, Layout, and Bill of Materials (BOM) can be found online at:
Please be aware that the Si5345-EVB schematic is in
OrCad Capture
hierarchical format
and not in a typical “flat”
schematic format.