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Rev. 0.1
In constant contrast mode, the VLCD voltage is held constant at all times, regardless of the voltage on VBAT. When
VBAT is above the threshold set by the VBMTH field, the LCD charge pump regulates to the contrast level set by
the CTRST field using a variable resistor. When VBAT reaches the threshold, the charge pump enables
automatically to keep VLCD at the desired value. This mode results in the highest power consumption, but may be
required by some system and LCD architectures.
Figure 14. LCD0 Constant Contrast Mode
In auto-bypass contrast mode shown in Figure 15, the VLCD voltage is held constant and tracks the VBAT voltage
below the threshold. When VBAT is above the threshold voltage set by VBMTH, VLCD regulates to the
programmed contrast voltage (CTRST) using a variable resistor between VBAT and VLCD. When VBAT reaches
the monitor threshold, the controller automatically enters bypass mode and powers VLCD directly from VBAT. The
charge pump is always disabled in this mode, and the threshold and contrast levels do not have to be set to the
same value, as shown in Figure 16.
Figure 15. LCD0 Auto-Bypass Contrast Mode
Figure 16. LCD0 Auto-Bypass Contrast Mode with Different Threshold and Voltage Settings
For lowest power consumption, applications should use bypass or minimum contrast modes whenever possible.