Orion and Maia ADD2 Card User Guide
The Orion ADD2-N and Maia ADD2-R cards share common features such as:
Dual Pad: Supports either the 64-pin Si
1364 package or 48-pin Si
1362 package (see note below)
Low Profile Card dimensions
Retention mechanism for excellent board stability
Four-layer PCB for good thermal and signal integrity.
DVI Single Link with 100ohm differential impedance
EMI shielding on Layer 1 and Layer 4 via copper pour
Identical Bill of Materials and layout, with exception of ADD2+ enable pull up on ADD2-R and SDVO input
2KB serial EEPROM to store configuration information
No special drivers required to enable card in an SDVO based system.
The Orion ADD2-N and Maia ADD2-R cards are available from Silicon Image as part of a Starter Kit. The Starter
Kit includes all necessary items including high profile and low profile brackets for sampling and documents for
mass production.
Available documents in Starter Kits SiI-SK-0025 for ADD2-N and SiI-SK-0026 or by request:
1. Layout in PowerPCB 5.0 format
2. Gerbers for both Orion ADD2-N and Maia ADD2-R with X-Y data for assembly
3. Bill of Materials with alternate vendor sources for discrete devices
4. Low Profile and High Profile bracket dimensions, along with vendor information.
Note on Si
1362 pads:
The ADD2 cards provide 48-pin support for specialized applications only, since the
1362 package does not support the configuration EEPROM interface. The host system BIOS would require
special enhancements by the OEM to support this configuration. Silicon Image does not provide any software
support for use of the Si
1362 package on an ADD2 card.