Silego Technology Inc.
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GreenPAK Advanced
Development Platform
3.2.7 Expansion Connector
This port was designed to connect the GreenPAK Advanced Development Platform to external circuits and apply external power,
signal sources and loads. It can be used to apply the GreenPAK chip into your custom design with minimal additional tools. For
schematic diagram refer to
Figure 3.
Each pin except PIN11 (GND) is controlled through an individual analog switch. Expansion connector is a standard 0.1” double
row connector. GreenPAK Designer can enable or disable external pins, as it is shown in the
Figure 4. The
main purpose of the
Expansion connector is to connect an external signal/power source safely to the GreenPAK Advanced Development Platform.
Figure 5
demonstrates the schematic diagram of the expansion connector control.
Figure 3. GreenPAK Expansion Connector Schematic
Figure 4. Expansion Connector Control in GreenPAK Designer