E n g l i s h
Copyright Silca S.p.A 2019. All right reserved
Further copies can be made using either the Master or a Slave remote control.
The Master remote control is included in the AIR4 receiver pack.
Slave remote controls are those copied.
IMPORTANT: if you have a Silca AIR4 V remote control (with so ware version equal to or above 1.6)
with other func on bu ons memorized on it and you make a copy of the Air4 Receiver code on the
same remote control, the memorised func ons will be deleted and will have to be re-entered.
Note: We recommend memorising the Silca Air4 Receiver
rst, and then the func ons.
Rese ng Air4 Receiver
Note: All the remote control bu ons in the receiver will be deleted.
Simultaneously press and hold down bu ons ‘P’ and ‘S’ for approximately 10 seconds un l LEDs ‘L1’
and ‘L2’ start
ashing rapidly; release the bu ons and wait a few seconds un l the LEDs go out. Air4
Receiver has now been reset.
How to erase the remote control bu on on the Air4 receiver
Press bu on ‘P’ on the Air4 receiver for a few seconds un l the ‘L1’ LED illuminates and
ashes ra-
pidly; release the bu on.
Press bu on ‘S’ for a few seconds and then release: the ‘L2’ LED will illuminate (both the ‘L1’ and ‘L2’
LEDs are illuminated); release the bu on.
Press the bu on on the remote control to be erased
Wait for LEDs ‘L1’ and ‘L2’ to go out.
Understanding when the Air4 Receiver memory is full
When a newly copied code does not work, LED L1 illuminates and LED L2
ashes. In this situa on,
delete a remote control no longer in use.
The Air4 receiver is compa
ble with Silca Air4 Home and Air4 Home Pro.