Important notes to installation and operation
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Important notes to installation and operation
CAUTION! Malfunction due to bubbles!
Gas bubbles which are also formed by cavitation in the medium can cause a malfunction
of the sensor and must be prevented.
Observe the following instructions in order to achieve highest-possible measurement accu-
racy and specified output signal:
Before installing the turbine flow monitor flush the pipe carefully. You avoid a blocking of
the turbine caused by particles from the pipe installation.
The installation position of the flow monitor is unreserved. If it is installed into vertical
pipes, the flow direction is preferably from below upward. You must avoid a free outlet.
The arrow which is placed on the flow monitor (
) shows the only permitted flow direc-
In order to achieve the best measurement accuracy, a straight tube in front of the flow
monitor must be retained, min 10 x DN. Behind the flow monitor, a straight outlet tube of
5 x DN must be kept.
The internal diameter of the in- and outlet tubes must correspond with the internal di-
ameter of the flow monitor. Before and behind the stabilization tubes, the line may be
contracted or enlarged.
In practice these instructions often cannot be observed. Then the pulse rate and the
measurement accuracy can be affected.
The flow medium to be monitored should preferably contain as few solid particles as possible.
Present particles must not exceed a diameter of 0.63 mm. If necessary, install a screen
The material of the devices is not suitable for monitoring oils. The strength of the used
plastic parts would be considerably reduced.
The sensor housing is sealed and must not be opened!