Connect the TD 8250
This section deals with the layout of the connections on the TD 8250. The electrical connec-
tion has to be made by a plug-in connection according to DIN EN 175301-803-A.
Prior to the electrical connection
of the
TD 8250, the amplifier card must be removed from
the plug socket of the flow sensor.
The wires for the power supply and outputs are directly connected with the screw terminals
on the plug socket, not on the amplifier card.
The amplifier card must not remain in the plug when the TD 8250 is connected.
The TD 8250 is available in three versions:
TD 8250-F with pulse output (2-channel, depending on flow sensor)
TD 8250-A with analogue output (0-20 mA / 4-20 mA),
TD 8250-R with 2 relay contacts.
Connections are different in each version.
Connect the supply voltage
The TD 8250 is operated with a voltage of 24 VDC or 12 VDC. The adjustment is made by sol-
dering jumper on the circuit board.
Connection has to be made on the terminals:
Terminal 1: +24 VDC
Terminal 2: GND
Connect the TD 8250-F with pulse output (optional)
Connection of pulse output has to be made on the terminals:
Terminal 3: Channel 1 (green)
Terminal :
2 (yellow)
If the TD 8250 works with a flow sensor, which has 2 sensors, it is referred to as a two chan-
nel layout. The square wave pulses are off set from one to another by 90°. It is therefore pos-
sible to detect the flow direction.
If the TD 8250 works with a flow sensor, which has only 1 sensor, it is referred to as one
channel layout. Connection on terminal 1 (channel 2) is not necessary.
Single channel or two channel connection must be set on the TD 8250. The required set-
tings are made under menu reference „
“ at the
“counter input”
position (
"Overview of the input values").