January 2005
The Select button is used to progress to a lower menu level. If pressed repeat-
edly, the display will always return to the idle display (see below)
without making
any changes to any menu items
. Pressing select after a data store (TAKE)
resets the menu to the level where the last option selection was initiated, allow-
ing the operator to perform similar operations on other channels or modify the
data just stored.
The Up and Down buttons are used to toggle, up or down, through the available
menu options at the present level in the menu structure. Pressing an ARROW
button immediately after a valid data store (TAKE) will change the display to an
adjacent channel/selection for that parameter.
The Take button is used to store the current eligible data into memory. Display
data is only eligible for storage when the display is blinking. Pressing the TAKE
button immediately after a valid store will return the DA5320 to the idle display
(see below).
The 7-segment display is used to display configurable menus items/parameters, provide
the current status of a configured parameter, display entry data for modification of config-
urable parameters and provide details about error conditions.
Typically, after the menu has been accessed and no more buttons have been pushed, the
display will return to the idle display after a short delay. The display can also be set to mon-
itor a single channel on a continuous basis to show its current delay.
Power-On Self Test (POST)/Idle Display
On power-up, the DA5320 runs a self-diagnostic routine. If the self-diag-
nostic routine is completed successfully, the DA5320 will display the idle
screen (shown on left). If the POST does not complete, verify that all
proper operating conditions exist in the frame, then cycle the power to
run the POST again. If it still does not complete, contact technical sup-
port as listed earlier in this manual.