January 2005
Front Panel Controls/Displays
The front panel, shown below, has three distinct functional areas - the Indicator LED’s
under the OctaStream logo on the right side; the switch controls, mostly on the left side and
the 7-segment display in the middle.
LED’s are visible from the exterior of the frame when the front door is installed to accom-
modate checking the status of the modules without affecting the operating conditions within
the frame. The LED’s provide information about the status of three operating conditions -
error status, OctaBus™ status and power bus status.
1. ERROR - When this red LED is illuminated an invalid operating condition exists
within the DA5320. These errors fall into three categories - power-on self-test
failure, missing inputs or problems with the OctaBus™.
Power-On Errors - cycle the power to the unit.
Missing Inputs - The Error LED will illuminate when either the selected input
is unavailable or the defined reference signal is not present. To relieve this
condition, change the configuration information to specify a different source
or turn off the missing input.
OctaBus™ - If there are problems with the signal on the OctaBus the ERROR
LED will be illuminated and error messages can be accessed via the
Diagnostic menu.
2. OCTABUS - This green LED indicates the presence of a valid signal connected to
the OctaBus™ input BNC.
3. POWER - This green LED indicates the presence of suitable power being supplied
to the module by the power supply in the S5000 frame.