Instructions manual CHEF 10 VVE
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Obligations of informing users
Information model for users of “professional” products
In compliance with art. 13 of the Legislative Decree of July 25, 2005, n.
151 “Implementing of Directives 2002/95/EC, 2002/96/EC and
2003/108/EC, relative to the reduction of the use of hazardous
substances in electrical and electronic appliances as well as disposal of
The symbol of the barred waste bin on the appliance or its
packaging indicates that the product at the end of its useful life it
must be disposed of separately from other waste.
Differentiated waste collection of this appliance having reached the
end of its life is organised and managed by the manufacturer. The
user who desires to dispose of the present appliance must therefore
contact the manufacturer and abide by the system that has been
chosen to allow separate collection of the appliance when reaching
the end of its life.
Adequate differentiated waste collection for successive recycling,
treatment and environmentally compatible disposal contributes to
prevent negative effects on the environment and on human health
and favours the reuse and/or recycling of the materials making up
the appliance.
Illicit disposal of the product by the user entails the application of
administrative sanctions foreseen by Standards in force.