Copyright © Sigicom AB 2019
32. ISEE Seismograph (+ Frequency)
Replaced by #52 in rev: 1.5.0
ISEE Performance Specifications For Blasting Seismographs.
Level, frequency ranges:
1 in/s, 2-250 Hz
Max resolution in presentation: 0.0002 in/s and 3 significant digits.
Threshold range 0.002 – 0.9 in/s.
Transient file resolution: ~0.00004 in/s.
33. ANSI S2.71
Guide to the Evaluation of Human Exposure to Vibration in Buildings.
Level, frequency ranges:
0.8 in/s
RMS, 1-80 Hz
Filtered according to ISO 2631-2, time constant 1 s.
Max resolution in presentation: 0.0001 in/s RMS and 3 significant digits.
Threshold range 0.001 – 0.75 in/s.
Transient file resolution: ~0.00004 in/s.
34. BS 7385 (+ Frequency)
Evaluation and measurement for vibration in buildings - Part 2: Guide to
damage levels from ground-borne vibration.
Level, frequency ranges:
25 mm/s, 1-300 Hz
Max resolution in presentation: 0.005 mm/s and 3 significant digits.
Threshold range 0.04 – 22 mm/s.
Transient file resolution: ~0.001 mm/s.
35. AS 2187.2-2006 (+ Frequency)
Explosives - Storage, transport and use - Use of explosives
Level, frequency ranges:
250 mm/s, 2-250 Hz
Max resolution in presentation: 0.05 mm/s and 3 significant digits.
Threshold range 0.4 – 220 mm/s.
Transient file resolution: ~0.01 mm/s.
36. Particle displacement
Level, frequency ranges:
1500 µm, 10-60 Hz
Max resolution in presentation: 1 µm and 3 significant digits.
Threshold range 10-1300 µm.
Transient file resolution: ~0.2 µm.
The stated range/resolution in “displacement” is only valid at 16Hz
and below because sensor element measures velocity. At higher
frequencies the range/resolution is scaled down.