the clasp at the halfway point on the wire, and then drill a hole for
the M2 x 15mm Bolt. Insert the bolt through the hole and tighten
down the M2 Hex Nut to clamp the bracket in place.
this section you will need:
(1) Radio Receiver (not furnished)
(2) Servos with Mounting Screws (not furnished)
22) Install the rudder and elevator servos inside the fuselage in
the built-in plywood radio mounting tray. Note that the rudder
servo goes on the right side of the airplane, and the elevator servo
goes on the left side. Be sure to drill pilot holes through the ply-
wood tray for the mounting servo mounting screws.
23) Figure out where and how to mount your receiver. This can
depend on several factors, starting with whether you are using a
glow engine or an electric motor for power. We decided to mount
the receiver of our photo model, which will be electric powered,
on the left side of the fuselage, using a short piece of common
Velcro® tape (not furnished).
this section you will need:
(1) Fuselage
(2) 28” Long Pushrod Wires with M2 Hex Nut
(2) Metal R/C Clevis
(2) Nylon Snap Keepers
(2) small pieces of Fuel Tubing
24) Assemble and install the elevator pushrod.
a) First slide a small piece of Fuel Tubing onto the small end of
the Metal R/C Clevis. Next screw the Hex Nut that is on the
Pushrod Wire all the way up to the end of the threads. Then screw
the metal clevis halfway onto the threads.
b) Locate the pre-cut pushrod exit hole for the elevator on the
right side of the fuselage at the back of the plane. Slide the
pushrod into the exit hole and inside the pushrod sleeve built into
the fuselage. Slide it in until you can clip the clevis into the middle
hole of the control horn. Lock the elevator in neutral position with
tape, or with two small balsa wood sticks held together with small
rubber bands.
c) Inside the fuselage, hold the pushrod wire over the elevator
servo output arm and mark the wire where it crosses over the
outer hole in the servo arm.
d) At the tail end, unlock the elevator from neutral position, and
then unclip the clevis from the control horn. Remove the clevis
and the hex nut completely off of the pushrod and set them aside.
Now pull the pushrod out of the fuselage from the servo end. It
will be easier to complete the next three steps with the pushrod
out of the airplane.
e) Cut off the pushrod wire 1/4” past the mark made at the
servo end in step c). Then put a sharp 90-degree bend in the wire
at the mark.
f) Remove the servo arm from the elevator servo. Drill out the
last hole in the servo arm with a 1/16" dia. drill so it will accept the
pushrod wire. Then insert the bent end of the pushrod wire into
the servo arm, from the top.
g) Clip a Nylon Snap Keeper in place to hold the pushrod wire
in the servo arm. Snap the free end of the keeper up and over
the protruding end of the pushrod wire, underneath the servo arm.
h) Now slide the pushrod back inside the pushrod sleeve in the
fuselage, from the front. When it is in far enough, put the servo
arm back in place on the servo.
i) Make sure that the elevator servo is in neutral position and
then adjust the metal clevis at the tail end as needed to get the
elevator in perfect neutral position.
j) After the elevator is properly adjusted, insure that the metal
clevis can’t open up and come loose from the control horn by slid-