switch inside the fuselage, on the floor, just ahead of the landing
gear block placing it far forward, away from the radio system. To
activate the switch, we used a piece of music wire with an "L"
bend, on the fuselage side. To do this like we did, refer to the
Radio Installation section, Step #1.
11) The fiberglass cowl is prepared for mounting using the
same methods described in Steps 7, 8, and 9 in the 4-Stroke
Engines section of this manual. With most gas engines and their
side-mounted carburetors, the cowl will have to be opened to clear
this assembly. We, also, opened a small hole directly over the fuel
valve to allow access with the fuel probe.
In the case of our F.P.E. 1.3 engine installation, we also had to
relieve the bottom right edge of the cowl opening to clear the
sparkplug wire.
In this section, the fuselage is prepared for mounting the tail group.
The elevator, rudder, and throttle servos will also be installed.
Because of the size of the airplane, it is much easier to take care
of these steps now.
From the kit contents, locate the bag
containing the four factory covered Channeled Balsa Tail Fairings
- you will need two of these for this section. Also, locate the bag
containing the Control Surface Hardware Parts. From this bag
remove the following:
2 each
. 024" x 47-1/8" Plastic Coated Pull-Pull Steel Cables
2 each
Metal R/C Links, threaded onto brass pull-pull fittings
2 each
1.9mm dia. x 4.2mm Brass Pull-Pull Swaging Tube Fittings
In addition, the elevator, rudder, and throttle servos and the
elevator servo extension cable will be used. You will also need the
remaining R/C link and threaded metal stud.
1) Two of the Channeled Balsa Tail Fairings are now glued in
place at the fuselage stabilizer saddle, one on each side. These
fairings add additional gluing area and support to the stabilizer
saddle. To glue the fairings in place, prepare the fuselage sides by
removing the covering material directly beneath the saddle area.
This will be a strip that is 5/16" deep by the length of the fairing.
Prepare both sides of the fuselage in this way.
Use 5-minute epoxy to glue the two fairings in place onto each
fuselage side, flush with the top surface of the stabilizer saddle, as
shown. Pin the fairings in place and allow the glue to cure.
2) On the right fuselage side, directly beneath the stabilizer
saddle, there is an opening for the elevator servo. The opening
has been covered over at the factory and must now be opened.
Use a hobby knife with a sharp #11 blade to do this now. Find
each corner of the rectangular opening and cut the covering
toward the center, leaving four covering "flaps".
Use a small
covering iron to seal the four sides of the opening and trim the
excess material away.
3) Looking inside the elevator servo opening, you will see the
factory installed pull-pull exit tubes.
These two exits are now
opened on each side of the fuselage, as shown. After finding