44. Apply two coats of thinned dope to the entire model.
Carefully apply the decal's to the model.
Draw additonal details on the model with a waterproof marker.
Final Assembly
Glue the wing to the model making sure that it is straight and true to the fuselage.
Glue the top rear fuselage stringer into position as shown on the plan. Now cover the top rear fuselage with tissue as you
did the rest of the model.
Glue the stabilizer to the fuselage making sure that it is properly aligned.
Glue the rudder to the model making sure that it is 90 degrees to the stabilizer.
Cut the paper windshield pattern from the plan and test fit it to the model. Adjust the shape as necessary to achieve a good
fit on the model. Now cut the plastic windshield to match the pattern and glue it to the model. Cut, fit and glue the side
windows into position.
Sand the landing fairings (LG) smooth and cover with tissue. Now glue these fairings into position on the model. Install the
wheels and retain them by bending the axles up 90 degrees. Cut off any excess axle wire.
Paint the tall wheel (TW) black. Bend a straight pin to the shape of the tail wheel wire and glue the tail wheel onto it. Now
glue the tail wheel assembly to the rear of the model.
Make the dummy engine cylinders by laminating two parts E-1 and one part E-2 together. Repeat this operation to make a
total of four dummy cylinders. Now paint these parts black and glue them to the model. Cut the paper cooling baffles from
the plan and paint them black. Now glue them into position over the dummy engine cylinders.
Cut and fit the wing struts to fit your model. Sand them smooth and cover them with tissue. Now glue the wing struts to the
model making sure that you do not induce a twist in the wing.
Glue the two brass eyelets to the removable nose block. Assemble the propeller to the nose block using the parts shown on
the plan.
Tie the rubber motor and install it in the model. The rear end is held by the round toothpick in the two F-3's. The front end is
attached to the propeller shaft. The toothpick and the nose block are not glued into place.
Balance the model at the point shown on the plan. Add small amounts of modeling clay to the nose or tail if required to
achieve the proper balance.
Your model is now finished. Read and follow the safety rules that follow. We hope that you enjoy many fine flights with your
Your First Flights
Make sure that all flying surfaces are straight and warp free.
Wind the rubber motor about 100 turns.
Point the nose of the model into any gentle breeze that may be blowing.
Release the propeller and after it starts turning gently toss the model at a point on the ground 100' in front of you. Adjust the
model to circle while increasing the number of turns in the motor. Adjustments can be made by gently bending the tail
surfaces and wing trailing edge.
A properly trimmed model will circle to the lett while climbing under power, level out as the power runs down and transition
into a right hand gliding circle.