228. Slide the fuel tank up against the back of the firewall. Cut a piece of scrap wood
3-1/4" long (can be stick or sheet, balsa or plywood) to use as a rear tank brace.
Reach in through the servo area and wedge the brace between the fuselage
sides, right up tight against the back end of the tank. Spread some Slow CA glue
on the ends of the brace to glue it to the fuselage sides. (HINT: Put some glue on
the end of a long stick or nail, then reach in and dab the glue on the ends of the
brace.) This brace will insure that the tank cannot shift backwards in flight.
Cut two strips of 1/2" thick soft foam rubber (like you wrapped the receiver and
battery pack with) to fit along the sides of the fuel tank, between the tank and the
fuselage sides. This is to keep the tank from shifting sideways in flight.
Cut another strip of 1/2" thick soft foam rubber to lay on top of the tank, filling the
space between the tank and the Hatch. Screw the Hatch in place.
Attach the fuel feed line to the engine’s carburetor and the vent line to the
pressure fitting on the muffler. (NOTE: Trim off any excess length of fuel line
tubing. The fuel lines should be kept as short as possible for best fuel draw, but
not so short that there is danger of them coming off in flight. Leave a little slack in
the lines.)
Filling The Fuel Tank
To fill a fuel tank with this vent arrangement, first remove the fuel lines from the
carburetor and the muffler pressure fitting. Pump the fuel into the tank through
the fuel feed line (carb line). When the tank is full, fuel will begin to run out the
vent line (muffler line). Stop pumping when you see the fuel start to come out the
vent line! Reconnect the fuel lines and you are ready to start the engine.
We know that your KADET LT-40 looks done and you’re real anxious to go out and fly it, BUT WAIT A MINUTE - IT’S NOT
REALLY DONE YET! It must be balanced! All airplanes, model or full-size, must be accurately balanced in order to fly
successfully. An airplane that is not properly balanced will be unstable and will most likely crash!
PRELIMINARY: To balance your KADET LT-40, all of the parts and components must be installed in their correct positions
on the model. The battery pack and receiver must be installed in their correct locations; the propeller, spinner, and muffler
must be installed on the engine; the fuel tank and fuel lines must be installed and connected; and every other piece of
essential equipment must be installed, ready for flight. ALWAYS BALANCE THE KADET LT-40 WITH THE FUEL TANK
Attach the wing to the fuselage with twelve #67 rubber bands, six per side.
Familiarize yourself with the balance range shown on fuselage side view plan. Three possible balance points are
represented in this range, and your KADET-40 will behave differently in flight at each of these three balance points. You
should choose the balance point that fits your experience level.
Distance Aft Of Wing L.E.
% Of Wing Chord
Содержание KADET LT-40
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