The first thing you need to do is check the fit of the two wing panels to each other
- WITHOUT GLUE! Start by locating die-cut lite-ply part DTG (dihedral tip gauge)
and pinning it to the underside of the last W5 rib (nearest the wing tip) in the Left
Wing Panel. The notches in the DTG should straddle both bottom wing spars.
Lay the Right Wing Panel on a large flat surface, such as a big table or on the
floor. Mate the root end of the Left Wing Panel up against the root end of the
Right Wing Panel. The DTG (pinned to the wing tip of the Left Wing Panel) will set
the proper dihedral angle by holding the left wing tip up 3-3/4" off the table (see
halfsize Wing Front View on Plan Sheet 2). Make sure the leading and trailing
edges of both wing panels are perfectly aligned with each other so that there is no
twist between the panels. Look for gaps between the W1 root ribs. If you installed
both W1 ribs at the correct angle, and you sanded all the spars, etc. perfectly
flush with the W1 ribs, then you should not have any significant gaps. A small gap
of 1/16" or less is insignificant and will be OK. If you have a larger gap, you will
have to figure out how it happened and correct it before going on to the next step.
Locate the two laser-cut plywood MADB (main dihedral braces). Using the full-
size pattern of MADB as a guide, mark a center-line on the front and back of both
Use a modeling knife or razor saw to cut
out the portions of the W1 root rib where
the MADBs will go. Do this to the W1 rib
in both wing panels. TIP: Use a pencil
and straight edge to mark guidelines on
the rib before cutting. Make repeated
short shallow cuts until you get all the
way through the wood, whether you are
using a knife or saw. This will help avoid
splintering the rib!
Содержание KADET LT-40
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