altitude for flight trimming - approx. 100' or so. The transmitter trim
levers are then used to trim the model to fly straight and level.
Depending upon the altitude of your flying field, the condition of
your flight battery, and other factors, you will most likely find that
the KADET EP-42B will fly well in level flight at 1/2 to 3/4-throttle
setting. This reduced throttle setting will slow the model down,
increase your flight duration, and make the model easier to fly for
beginners. Note that every time the throttle setting is changed, the
elevator trim must also be re-adjusted to make the model fly level.
The KADET EP-42B has very mild stall characteristics - straight
ahead with a slight nose drop, resuming flight almost immediately.
It can also be banked fairly sharply with little tendency to "fall off".
Landing the KADET EP-42B is relatively easy. The power-off glide
is quite flat and all flight controls remain effective at slow landing
approach speeds. Flying into the wind, line up with the center of
the runway and gradually throttle back. As the airplane slows
down, the nose will drop, allowing the airplane to glide down to the
runway. If the glide is too steep and the model is picking up speed,
feed in a little up elevator until you get a shallow glide at a constant
speed. About a foot or so above the ground, start to flare the
landing by carefully feeding in more up elevator a little bit at a time.
This will bring the nose up, slowing the airplane even more. Try to
hold the airplane just inches off the ground until it finally slows
enough to settle smoothly onto the runway.
Never land your airplane in tall grass or weeds with the
motor running. Always throttle back completely if you land in such
terrain or if you nose over after landing. Tall grass or a nose over
will stall the motor if it is running. A stalled motor can overheat the
ESC and batteries, causing them to fail.
Although the KADET EP-42B is considered a "park flyer" and can
be flown in fairly confined spaces by accomplished pilots, it should
never be flown within five miles of an organized R/C aircraft flying
site. This one simple precaution can prevent the loss of your model
from radio interference. Do yourself a favor and join your local R/C
club - you'll almost always get assistance and good advice - and
you will even make a friend or two!
in order for the model to fly "hands-off" straight and level. An
experienced pilot can instantly correct out of trim conditions before
the model crashes into the ground. An inexperienced beginner has
almost no chance of saving an out of trim model!
The second reason for an instructor is to have someone there to
correct the mistakes you will make during the learning process. It
isn't that flying an R/C model aircraft is all that difficult. It is more
a matter of learning what to do and when to do it. No matter how
slowly a model flies, an incorrect control input can produce almost
instant problems that, in turn, demand almost instant correction.
This is especially true at lower flight altitudes. A good flight
instructor will climb your model to an altitude that gives him a good
chance of saving your airplane when you make these inevitable
mistakes. This altitude is generally referred to as "2 mistakes
high". When you get into trouble, quickly hand the transmitter back
to your instructor so he can rescue the airplane. He will get it
leveled off, and then, let you try it again. Without an instructor, it is
very likely that you would not receive this second chance.
Beginning R/C pilots, almost always, over-control their models.
This is perfectly normal but a trait that must be cured
during instruction. Another problem common to beginners is
disorientation. For example, when the airplane is flying away from
you, right aileron input produces a right turn and left aileron input
produces a left turn. However, when the airplane is flying directly
toward you, the same right aileron input now makes the airplane
turn to YOUR left. The airplane is still turning to it's right, but that
is now your left side! This perceived control reversal is very
confusing to all first time R/C pilots! Without an experienced flight
instructor on hand, it will most likely cause the loss of the model.
With a flight instructor, these early learning problems can be
easily dealt with. The more you fly, the quicker you will learn. Soon
you will be flying "solo" with little thought of the moves required. It
will start to come easy. Remember the first time you tried to ride a
bicycle? It seemed completely awkward the first time, but once
you learned how, it became easy. Don't get discouraged if you
have a minor crack-up. Repair the damage and get back into the
air as soon as possible.
Choose a calm day, with little or no wind, for the initial test flights.
This is important in getting the model properly trimmed. If there is
too much wind, you won't get a true reading on what the model is
doing in the air.
The KADET EP-42B is capable of taking off from any smooth
surface runway or a closely cut grass field - this is called an ROG
(Rise-Off-Ground) take-off. The correct ROG take-off procedure
is to line the airplane up with the center of the runway, facing
directly into the wind. Advance the throttle smoothly to full high
throttle position. As the airplane accelerates, apply a little right
rudder input to counteract motor torque and keep the model
tracking straight. When sufficient speed is attained, a small input
of up elevator will get the model airborne.
The KADET EP-42B can also be easily hand-launched if the grass
is too long at your flying field. When hand launching, the airplane
must be launched, straight and level directly into the wind, with the
nose aimed at a point on the ground about 75' in front of you.
Never launch the model with the nose pointed up or the wings
tipped to one side or the other. The launch should be firm enough
to achieve flight speed, but yet, not overly hard.
Once the airplane is in the air, it should be flown to a reasonable
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