Complete Kit Parts List
The following is a complete list of all parts contained in this kit. Before beginning assembly, we suggest that you take the time to
inventory the parts in your kit.
Basic Aircraft Parts
1 Fuselage
1 Right & Left Wing Panel Set
with Ailerons.
1 Horizontal Stabilizer & Elevator Set.
1 Vertical Fin & Rudder Set
Wire Parts
1 Formed Elevator Joiner Wire
1 Formed Tailwheel Wire with
2 Nylon Control Horn with Back
Plate; Elevator & Rudder
4 M2 x 15mm Horn Mounting
1 5.3mm x 320mm Nylon Throttle
Pushrod Housing
1 3.2mm x 280mm Nylon Throttle
2 5.3mm x 521mm Nylon
Pushrod Housing elevator &
2 3.2mm x 686mm Nylon
Pushrod elevator & rudder
2 M4 x 15mm Phillips Head Screws; for
main landing gear attachment
2 M4 Split Lock Washer; for main
landing gear attachment
4 M3 x 20mm Phillips Head
Screws; for motor & mount
4 M3 Flat Washers; for mount to
4 M3 Split Lock Washer; for mount to
1 2mm id Wheel Collar with set
screws; for Tail Wheel
2 M4 x 40mm Phillips Head
Screws; main wheel axles
4 M4 Lock Nuts; for axles
2 M4 Hex Nuts; for axles
4 M3 x 10mm Phillips Head Screws;
Wheel Pant mounting
4 M3 Split Lock Washers; Wheel
Pant mounting
2 1/4-20 x 1-1/2”Nylon Wing
Bolts; for wing mounting
5 2mm Nylon R/C Links; for elevator
(1), rudder (1), throttle (1), ailerons
5 2mm Solder R/C Links; for
elevator (1), rudder (1), throttle
(1), ailerons (2)
2 2mm x 200mm Pushrod; for
aileron (2)
4 2mm x 20mm threaded stud;
for elevator (1), rudder (1),
throttle (2)
2 2mm x 100mm Pushrod; for elevator
(1),rudder (1)
1 3mm Formed Aluminum Main
Landing Gear
1 Molded Clear Plastic Canopy
1 2 pc. Adjustable Motor Mounts, 40-
2 7.0cm dia. (approx. 2 3/4”) Main
1 25mm dia. (approx. 1”)
1 2” dia. Spinner assembly
1 260cc (8.7oz) Fuel Tank Assembly
1 Left Wheel Pant
1 Right Wheel Pant
17 CA Hinges; for ailerons (9),
elevator (6), rudder (3)
1 10mm Hardwood Wing Joiner
1 3mm Plywood Aileron Servo Tray
1 8mm x 20mm x 76mm Balsa;
Fuel Tank Retainer
2 10mm x 124mm Balsa
Triangle; Rudder Fairings
1 3mm x 15mm x 23mm
Plywood;Throttle Pushrod Anchor
1 3/8” x 12” Iron On Covering
Strip:Bottom wing joint
Instruction Book
1 Sig FOUR-STAR 40 Decal
Sheet 1
1 Sig FOUR-STAR 40 Decal Sheet 2
Additional Items Required (Not included in kit)
1 4 Channel Radio with 5
Standard Servos
1 6” Servo Extension cables
1 .40 to .50 2-Stroke motor & Muffler
or .45 to .60 4-Stroke motor &
4 6-32 x 1-1/4” bolts, washers &
lock nuts: Motor to mount
1 Propeller to match motor
2 9” Medium Silicone fuel tubing 2 1cm x 8cm x 20cm Foam Rubber; for
radio packing
The wing on the FOUR-STAR 40 ARF is designed as a strong, easy to assemble one piece unit. To avoid unnecessary
dents, dings, or scuffing of the various covered parts, we suggest that you cover your workbench with a protective blanket
or foam sheet while assembling your model.