Use the Aileron position Guide (APG). to precisely measure the neutral position
of each aileron. First cut the APG from the book and glue it to a scrap piece of
wood or cardboard. Make sure you trim the edges of the APG exactly on the
printed lines. Then hold the APG tight against the bottom of the wing panel at the
trailing edge. Adjust the length of the aileron pushrod until the bottom surface of
the aileron is flat against the rear of the APG.
After the flight surfaces have been neutralized, take the ime to fit each R/C link
with a short length of fuel tubing (medium silicon tubing is fine for 2mm hardware)
to keep the links firmly in place to each control horn and servo arm.
This common safety practice has saved a lot of models! Last, make sure that you have secured the servo arms to each
servo with the retaining screws.
Locate the black SIG spinner assembly
from the kit contents. This spinner is
easy to install, lends a great look to
your finished FOUR-STAR 40 ARF and
is ready for use with APC propellers!
Choose the correct adapter ring for your
The fit should be a nice slip fit over the motor's prop shaft. Slip the spinner back plate onto the prop shaft and onto the
adapter ring. The propeller is installed next, followed by the nose cone. The cone is held in place with the provided screws.
Be sure to snug the screws securely in place, but do not over-tighten them. Install the muffler onto the motor and connect
the fuel tank vent line to the pressure outlet on the muffler.
There are any number of different radio systems currently in use and on the market. Because of this, it is not possible to
explain the optimum set-up for all systems for this particular airplane. The following suggested control surface travel
information is based on our experience with the FOUR-STAR 40 ARF. These suggested surface movements should be
considered as starting points. As your experience and confidence builds, control movements can be adjusted to suit your
particular style of flying and to explore the airplane's capabilities.
Control Surface Travel
These measurements were taken as follows:
Elevator travel measured at the widest inboard trailing edge
Aileron travel measured at the inboard trailing edge
Rudder travel measured at the widest lower trailing edge
1/2" Up - 1/2" Down
5/8" Up - 5/8" Down
1" Left - 1" Right
Full Range Of Travel