SIG’s FOUR-STAR 40 ARF combines the classic looks and performance of Sig’s Four-Star series in an almost ready to fly
package. The FOUR-STAR 40 ARF is easy to fly and makes an ideal choice for your first low wing airplane. Intermediate and
advanced flyers will love the maneuverability and smooth handling of the FOUR-STAR 40 ARF, making it the sport model you'll
want to take to the flying field every time.
Set the control throws at the suggested rates for your first flights, throttle back and enjoy a truly honest, gentle airplane. As your
skill level advances, dial-up the control throws a little to enjoy a very aerobatic airplane. Inside and outside loops, rolls, inverted
flight, and snap maneuvers are all in the FOUR-STAR 40 flight envelope.
The FOUR-STAR 40 ARF kit has been engineered to get you into the air quickly as possible with an R/C model that will truly
last. The airframe has been expertly built and covered with AeroKote™. This material is both rugged and easy to repair. The
covering trim scheme is provided on two large peel & stick mylar decal sheets.
This assembly manual has been specifically sequenced to get your FOUR-STAR 40 ARF assembled and into the air very
quickly. We strongly suggest that you read through the manual first to get familiar with the various parts and their assembly
sequences. The proper assembly and flying of this aircraft is your responsibility. If you are new to the sport/hobby of radio
control, we urge you to seek the assistance of a qualified person to help you assemble this model airplane. If you do not
understand a particular assembly step or sequence, do not guess - find qualified help and use it.