servo output arms in place at 90
upright. Tape the elevators to the
stabilizer in neutral position. Attach the solder link ends of the
elevator pushrods to the servo output arms. Adjust the threaded
R/C links to fit into the middle hole of each elevator horn. Remove
the tape holding the elevators in neutral and test the movement of
the elevators with your radio.
Adjust as required to get both
elevators exactly at neutral (if you are using the "Miracle Y™"
chord, you can turn the pot adjustment screw to achieve exact
neutral very easily). Final elevator throw adjustments and locking
the R/C links in place with the hex nuts will be made later.
NOTE: We suggest you use Loctite
threadlocking compound on
all bolts used in the assembly of the landing gear.
1) Locate the two fiberglass Wheel Pants, two Main Wheels,
the two Steel Wheel Axles, two axle Lock Nuts, four Wheel Collars
with Set Screws, and four M3 x 15mm PWA Bolts. Install the axles
into the large holes at the bottom of each leg of the aluminum main
landing gear. Thread the large lock nuts onto the threaded ends of
the axles and tighten these securely.
Note: On the axle side of the gear leg, the two flat sides of the
flange must end up parallel to the front of the landing gear, so that
the notch in the wheel pant will fit over the flange properly.
18) As mentioned earlier, to make the elevator servos function
properly you will need to either;
(a) electronically reverse one of the elevator servos internally
and use a standard Y-harness, or
(b) use the " MIRACLE Y™ Servo Reversing Y Adapter" to
obtain mirror image elevator action
Install your Y-harness chord through the canopy opening, back to
the two elevator servo cutouts. To avoid a clutter of chords and to
keep them away from the pull-pull cables, route the y-harness
chord through the upper part of the rear fuselage.
Plug the
elevator servos into the Y-harness ends at the servo cutouts,
securing all connector plugs with tape. Then reinstall both elevator
servos, pulling the excess chord lengths towards the front. Use
plastic "cable ties" or small spots of silicone adhesive to lightly
fasten the extension chords (or the " MIRACLE Y™" control pot) in
place to the model structure, to keep them from flopping around
during flight and possibly coming unplugged.
Finally, plug the
chord into your radio system to check the action of the elevator
servos. Make any corrections that may be required.
19) Hinge the elevators to the stabilizer at this time. Be careful
to correctly identify which elevator goes on the right side and which
goes on the left. Look for the plywood mounting pads that are inset
into the BOTTOM side of each elevator, underneath the covering.
After installing the hinges, wipe off all excess glue from the hinge
line with alcohol, and then tape the elevators to the stabilizer in
neutral position and allow to dry.
20) After the hinges are dry, mount the control horns to the
elevators. You will need the two remaining Metal Control Horns and
eight M2.6 x 10mm Metal Screws.
As mentioned, there are
plywood mounting pads already inset in the bottom of the elevators,
under the covering material. Hold the control horn in place on the
elevator, lined up with the elevator servo output arm. Make sure the
pivot holes in the control horn line up with the hinge line. Mark the
control horn mounting holes on the elevator with a felt pen. Drill a
3.64” dia. (or #56 drill) pilot hole for each screw, then screw the horn
in place. Repeat this procedure on the opposite elevator.
21) Locate the two 4-40 x 2-3/4" Threaded Pushrods for the
elevator, plus two 4-40 Solder Links, two 4-40 Threaded R/C Links
and two 4-40 Hex Nuts. Make two elevator pushrod assemblies by
soldering a solder link onto the unthreaded ends of the pushrods.
Thread a hex nut onto the threaded ends, followed by an R/C link.
Use your radio to center the elevator servos and then mount the
IMPORTANT: After mounting the elevator control horns for
the first time, take them back off and set aside temporarily.
Put a few drops of Thin CA into each of the screw holes in the
elevator. The Thin CA will soak into the threads in the wood,
increasing their holding power. Be sure to use Thin CA, not
medium or thick CA. Let the Thin CA dry completely before
remounting the control horns onto the elevators.
M3 x 15mm