Trusted Inbound/Outbound IP Address
Using the ACEManager, you can set certain Static IP addresses as trusted for both Inbound and
outbound traffic for the router. If this router will be put inside a network, this option should be
looked at.
Per the manual, Trusted IPs Inbound restrict access to the router and all LAN connected devices.
You would use the Public IP Address that someone would be accessing the Raven XE over the
Per the manual, Trusted IPs Outbound restrict access to external networks to IPs in the list.
Reboot the Raven XE
At this point in the setup, you should reboot the Raven XE.
Using the Raven and Additional Information
Sending & Receiving SMS Messages
To send SMS messages, login to the Raven XE via SSH. The following are basic commands to send the
at*smsm2m="1XXXXXXXXXX This is SMS test message."