Technical Product - Information
February 2014
Temperature Controller
UP 237K
5WG1 237-2KB_1
UP 254K
5WG1 254-2KB_3
Siemens AG
UP 237K, UP 254K, 5 pages
Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Building Technologies
Control Products and Systems
Siemens AG 2014
Update: http://www.siemens.com/gamma
P. O. Box 10 09 53, D-93009 Regensburg
Subject to change without further notice.
Product and Application Description
The room temperature controller UP 237K and UP 252K
are available in the following colors, matching the design
of the wall switch design line DELTA i-system or DELTA
DELTA i-system
Temperature Controller UP 237K
titanium white
5WG1 237-2KB11
aluminum metallic
5WG1 237-2KB31
DELTA style
Temperature Controller UP 254K
titanium white/
metallic silver
5WG1 254-2KB13
platinum metallic
5WG1 254-2KB43
The room temperature controls UP 237K and UP 254K
are especially designed for usage in rooms which are
heated and/or cooled and whose temperatures are con-
trolled depending on up to four room operating modes
(comfort mode, pre-comfort mode, energy-savings mode
and protection mode). As required, a parameter can be
used to set that the controller does not consider all four
operating modes but rather only three (comfort mode,
energy-savings mode and protection mode). The room
temperature control can be used a a two-point control
(thermostat) or as a continuous control (P or PI control).
These Room temperature controller can only function
together with the necessary Bus Transceiver Module
(BTM) UP 117 and the associated application program.
LED displays
Along with a button and a rotary knob on its upper edge,
the clear and self-explanatory user interface contains 5
green illuminating light emitting diodes (LED) to display
whether "manual operation" is activated as well as the
current room operating mode and two red illuminating
LEDs and 2 duo-color illuminating LEDs on the left edge.
The duo-color LEDs are used to display whether the
heating valve (LED is lit in red) or the cooling valve (LED
is lit in yellow) is open. If these LEDs are not illuminated,
then both valves are closed.
A red LED is used to display whether a window is open
or whether a dew point alarm is pending.
Briefly pressing the button on the control causes switch-
ing in automatic mode (the LED for the display of manual
operation is not lit) each time between "comfort mode"
and "pre-comfort mode" (with four operating modes) or
between "comfort mode" and "energy-savings mode"
(with three operating modes). Moreover briefly pressing
the button during active energy-savings or protection
mode starts a "comfort prolongation". Pressing and hold-
ing down (e.g.> 1 s, but < 3 s) the button during continu-
ous comfort prolongation can cause this to end at any
time and jump back to the room operating mode before
the start of the comfort prolongation.
Holding down the button for a longer time (> 3 s) can
cause switching from automatic to manual operation. In
manual operation every room operating mode can be
permanently activated and not changed by a bus tele-
gram. If manual operation is activated, then each time
the button is pressed briefly the light display of the cur-
rent operating mode wanders gradually from the current
position to the next operating mode symbol until the ex-
treme right or left position is reached and from there
back again. If during a waiting time of around 3 seconds
renewed brief pressing of the button occurs, then the
displayed room operating mode will be activated and this
reported by the Bus. If the button in "manual operation"
is pressed for a very long (> 3 s) time, then the system
will be switched to automatic operation and at the same
time to comfort mode. If a presence detector is installed,
then a brief pressing of the button in automatic operation
is ignored.
Via a parameter setting the switching of room control
modes and an activation of on-site comfort prolongation
can be locked by the button.
Rotary knob
The control is supplied with two rotary knobs: one insert-
ed in the control for shifting the basic target value to a
higher or lower value and a second for directly setting
the target value in the range of 16 to 26 °C.
If instead of shifting the target value with the adjustable
shifting range, direct target value setting in degrees Cel-
sius is desired, then the inserted rotary knob should be
exchanged with the delivered rotary knob and the pa-
rameter "target value setting" should be switched to "di-
rectly in °C" in the "Functions / objects" parameter win-
Via a parameter setting the setting of setpoint value re-
spectively setpoint value shifting can be locked by the
rotary control.