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Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.
Bellefontaine, OH 43311 U.S.A.

Universal Test Kit (TS-MD)


2 of 3

G. After entering the desired test, you will be prompted

for the phase to be tested.  The TS-MD will display:

Enter one of the following letters:

“A” - Phase A or Left Pole
“B” - Phase B or Center Pole
“C” - Phase C or Right Pole
“N” - Neutral

H. The TS-MD will report the type of test you selected

and give you a chance to abort the test.  For example,
if “I” was pressed in step F, the TS-MD will display:

If you press the letter “A” to abort, you will be given
new options. See step K.


To proceed, reset the circuit breaker and press
ENTER again to start the test. Press any other key
to STOP the test.  Once a test has been started, the
TS-MD will respond with:

Be careful at this time.  Any key press will abort the


The test may take anywhere from a fraction of a
second to minutes to complete, depending on which
procedure was selected.  If the test passes, the
TS-MD will display:

Enter Phase to Test:

Instantaneous Test
Press ENTER to continue or A to Abort.

Trip Test. Press Any Key to Abort.
Time Remaining: Sec.

Test Passed. Sec.
Press any key to continue.

If the test fails, the display will show one of the
following messages, depending on the type of

If the circuit breaker tripped during the test, RESET
the circuit breaker before continuing.

K. The TS-MD will prompt for the next instructions.  The

display will show:

Enter one of the following numbers:

“1” - Select a new test
“2” - Enter a new catalog number
“3” - Enter new switch settings

If you enter “1”, you will be sent to step F.  Choosing
“2” will send the program back to step C.  Entering
“3” sends you back to step E, which will be slightly
different the second time through.  On the second
line after the prompt for the setting, a number or text
in brackets may appear, which will indicate the last
setting you entered.  If you DON’T wish to change
the setting, just press ENTER.  If you DO wish to
change the setting, type in the new setting and press


If you pressed “C” when asked,

you will first be prompted by:

and then asked for the phase to test. A message will
then appear stating the test results.
For example:

Test Failed-- Trip Time Too Short. Sec. Press any key to continue.

Test Aborted-- Exceeded Max. Trip Time.
Press any key to continue.

CT Resistance Test. Phase X
PASSED Press any key to continue.

Current Transformer Test
Press ENTER to Continue or A to Abort.

Enter test: L-Long


C-CT Cont.?

Change:  1-Test  2-Catalog  3-Settings:

Hazardous voltage.
Will cause death or serious

Turn off and lock out all power
supplying the circuit breaker prior to
cover(s) removal or while cover(s)
are removed and when installing
any internal or external accessory.
Replace the covers and shields
before power supplying this device
is turned on.
