After the type and quantity of modules
required to satisfy a given system are
determined, the arrangement of the mod-
ules in the enclosure(s) should be planned.
For consistency, the CP-35 control unit
must always be located in the left side of
the top row, with the PS-35 on the right
side of the row to fill the entire top row.
If the system does not require battery
backup, the remaining modules can be
located as desired, except for the RC-30U,
as the others are not placement sensitive. If
battery backup is to be included, the BC-35
battery charger module must always be
placed to the right side of the second row.
Should one or more BE-35 battery extender
modules be required, they must be placed
to the left of the BC-35. The BE-35 extends
the 25 AH charging capability of the BC-35
by another 25 AH up to a final capability of
more than 100 AH. The MM-35 meter
module should then be placed to the left of
the BC-35 or next to the last BE-35. The
remaining modules can be placed as