Instant messaging
© Siemens AG 2003, E:\Auftrag\Siemens\Mobil
left page (82)
of SXG75, FUG us-en, A31008-H8900-A1-1-7619 (07.10.2005, 13:46)
Template: X75, Version 2.2;VAR La
VAR issue date: 050902
View conversation options menu
Depending on the current situation,
different functions will be offered.
Open menu.
Invite contacts
During an ongoing conversation or
at the start of a new conversation
you may invite contacts to join in.
Open menu and select
Invite contacts
. All contacts
are displayed. The
availability is indicated
Select contact(s) and con-
firm with
to start con-
versation with selected
End conversations
Open menu and select
End conversation
. The con-
versation is closed.
Receiving conversations
An information alert is displayed
when you receive a new message or
a conversation request (page 81).
If number is highlighted:
Dial number.
Send e-mail
If e-mail address is high-
lighted: Create e-mail.
Open link
If URL is highlighted:
Start browser and load
Add bookmark
If URL is highlighted:
Start browser and add
URL to bookmarks
Enter text
Open text input field.
Select emoticon.
Invite contacts
List of users currently
participating in the con-
versation is displayed
(see below).
Next call
vious convers.
Switch between
conversation tabs.
Additional information
• If alerts are activated, the information is
also displayed when Instant message is
not open but you are online.
• If you already have 5 ongoing conversa-
tions a notification for incoming messag-
es or invitations is displayed. If you want
to join a new conversation you have to
end an ongoing conversation first.