Engineer Programming Via the Keypad
Siemens Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
10.10 Outputs
Each zone type on the SPC system has an associated output type (an internal flag
or indicator). When a zone type is activated, ie. a door or window opens, smoke is
detected, an alarm is detected, etc., the corresponding output is activated.
10.10.1 Outputs Types and Output Ports
Each output type can be assigned to one of the six physical output ports on the
SPC Controller or to an output on one of the connected Expanders. Output types
that are not assigned to physical outputs act as indicators of events on the system
and may be logged and/or reported to remote central stations if required.
The output ports on the SPC Expanders are all single pole relay type outputs (NO,
COM, NC); therefore, output devices may need external power sources to activate
if they are wired to Expander outputs.
The activation of a particular output type depends on the type of Zone (see Section
10.8) or alert condition that triggered the activation. If multiple areas are defined on
the system then the outputs on the SPC are grouped into system outputs and area
outputs; the system outputs are activated to indicate a system wide event (e.g.
mains fault) whereas the area outputs indicate events detected in one or more of
the defined areas on the system. Each area has its own set of area outputs, if the
area is a common area for other areas then its outputs will indicate the state of all
the areas it is common for including its own state. For example if Area 1 is common
for Area 2 and 3, and Area 2 Ext. Bell is active, then the Area 1 Ext Bell output is
also active.
Some output types can only indicate system wide events (no specific area events).
Please refer to Tab. 16 for further information.