E50417-B1074-C419-A2, Release 09.02.2011
Power Quality Recorder SIMEAS Q80 7KG8080, Operating instruction
- A -
accuracy of the computed results 47
add device 25
aggregation interval 59
- B -
basics 49
batteries 16
- C -
calibration 75
CE 5
central unit 45
CF card problems 63
circuiting: computation methods 50
compact flash 39
computation: power 50
computations 47
connect device 24
connecting to LAN in four steps 22
current inputs 35
current inputs techn. data SIMEAS Q80 7KG8080
curve plots 57
curve types 60
- D -
data 60
data bus 45
data: curve names 61
data: time resolution 60
DCF:technical data 74
DCF77 40
DC-supply 15
delta connection 34
device add 25
device connect 24
device definition 25
device not found 63
DI 36
dig. inputs techn. data SIMEAS Q80 7KG8080 72
dig. outputs techn. data SIMEAS Q80 7KG8080 73
digital inputs 36
digital outputs 37
DO 37
DSP 31
DSUB-9 modem pin configuration 76
DSUB-9: GPS-receiver 76
DSUB-9: HOPF receiver 77
DSUB-9: Meinberg receiver 77
- E -
error description 64
Ethernet protocol TCP/IP 20
event overview 62
- F -
firmware-update 29
fuses 16
- G -
getting started: important remarks 19
GPS 38, 40
GPS Master/Slave 42
GPS:technical data 74
GPS-receiver DSUB-9 76
GPS-receiver pin configuration 76
- H -
histograms 59
HOPF receiver: pin configuration 77
HOPF receiverDSUB-9 77
hotline 7
- I -
inputs: analog 45
installation 21
installation of software 20