TI545/TI555 System Manual
SF/Loop Follows PLC to Program Mode — informational comment.
PLC Fatal Error = a description, causes, and corrective actions are
listed in Section 7.3.
PLC Non-fatal Error = a description, causes, and corrective actions are
listed in Section 7.4.
Loop Fatal Error = status word 161 (STW161) reports the causes and
indicates the corrective actions.
Loop Non-fatal Error = status word 162 (STW162) reports the causes
and indicates the corrective actions.
Battery = On indicates the backup battery is switched On and good;
Off indicates the backup battery is switched Off or bad.
Download select switch is not user accessible and is always Off.
Program in [RAM or ROM]; RAM if system is operating from RAM
memory; ROM if system is operating from an EEPROM (EPROM).
TI545/TI555 Operational Status
Scan = 027 milliseconds
Battery = On
Key = Unlocked
Download = Off
Mode = Run
Program in RAM
SF/Loop Mode = Run
SF/Loop Follows P/C to Program Mode
Fatal Error
= None
Loop Fatal Error
= None
Non Fatal Error
= None
Loop Non Fatal Error
= None
Figure 7-1
Typical AUX Function 29 Screen