User Manual SICLOCK GPS1000
Version 1.0
Order number 2XV9450-1AR82-BA
Fig. 5
shows a diagram of the connection from GPS1000 to SICLOCK TS with lightning protection module
2XV9450-1AR83. The parts illustrated in photo and the grey cable are included in the scope of delivery for the
complete package SICLOCK GPS1000 except of the lightning protection module. The red and green cables must
be made available on site.
The lightning protection module should be installed in the building as near as possible to where the antenna ca-
ble enters the building.
It is absolutely essential that the earth cable shown in green and connected to the DIN rail (cross section 25 sq.
mm or more) is connected in the shortest possible way and as straight as possible to a foundation earth.
Fig 5: Installation diagram for SICLOCK TS with lightning protection module.
Siclock TC400
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