This guide describes the RUGGEDCOM RS910. It describes the major features of the
device, installation, commissioning and important technical specifications.
It is intended for use by network technical support personnel who are responsible
for the installation, commissioning and maintenance of the device. It is also recom-
mended for use by network and system planners, system programmers, and line
Related Documents
Other documents that may be of interest include:
Document Title
RUGGEDCOM ROS Configuration
Accessing Documentation
The latest user documentation for RUGGEDCOM RS910 is available online at
. To request or inquire about a user document, con-
tact Siemens Customer Support.
Disclaimer of Liability
Siemens has verified the contents of this document against the hardware and/or soft-
ware described. However, deviations between the product and the documentation
may exist.
Siemens shall not be liable for any errors or omissions contained herein or for conse-
quential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this ma-
The information given in this document is reviewed regularly and any necessary cor-
rections will be included in subsequent editions. We appreciate any suggested im-
provements. We reserve the right to make technical improvements without notice.
Registered Trademarks
RUGGEDCOM ™ and ROS™ are trademarks of Siemens AG.
Installation Manual, 02/2020, C79000-G8976-1029-09