Siemens Industry, Inc.
Building Technologies Division
P/N 315-050636-1
Follow the procedure below to upgrade an XLS panel from a PMI to a PMI-2.
Please ensure you are using Zeus 8.1.0 or greater.
Create a new project in Zeus (
) to avoid overwriting a current
project. The new project’s filename is not important.
Download the current configuration from the PMI.
a) Connect the Laptop via the Upload cable and select
Build>Transfer>Configuration From Panel.
b) An .hrc configuration file from the PMI control panel downloads to the
Zeus host PC. Initially, the Zeus Transfer dialog will open, with settings for
serial port and transfer protocol. Once these are set, the Transfer Con-
figuration dialog will display information the PMI’s current configuration,
software and firmware versions. You can select the panel from which to
download (if there are multiple compiled configurations in the host PC),
and also choose to download the PMI’s current history file into the
project directory. Once you have begun the transfer, the Transfer
Progress dialog displays transfer progress and status messages, and
allows you to cancel the transfer.
Once the panel configuration is downloaded, close the new project, use
Tools > Decompile
to open the downloaded .hrc configuration file as a
project in Zeus.
In the Zeus tool replace the PMI with the new PMI-2.
Please make sure you are converting the correct PMI with a PMI-2 by matching the
address of the switches on the back of the PMI.
a) In the configuration which you have just removed from the original PMI,
click on the PMI module in the physical tree. Select the Edit menu and
click on “
Find/Replace Tree Node
”. A dialog box will open and allow you
to replace the PMI with the PMI-2.
b) Once this is completed, save and then compile the configuration.
Remove ELECTRICAL POWER prior to removing the original PMI and installing the
new PMI-2 in the enclosure.
c) Physically remove the original PMI and install the new PMI-2 on the inner
door of the enclosure. (For more detail see the INSTALLATION section
and Figure 4 of this document.)
d) Re-attach the 60-pin cable to the connector at the top of the PMI-2 (see
Figures 5 and 6) as well as any other original connections to the PMI.
e) Apply power and allow the unit to initialize.
Transfer the configuration to the Panel.
a) Connect the USB programming cable to the PMI-2 USB type B connector
labeled “UPLOAD” at the bottom of the unit. (Refer to Figure 2.)
b) In the Zeus configuration, select the module in the Physical Tree. Then
Build>Transfer>Configuration to Panel
. An .hrc configuration file
uploads from the Zeus host PC to the PMI-2 control panel, overwriting
the existing configuration in the panel.
i) Initially, the Zeus Transfer dialog will open, with settings for serial port
and transfer protocol. Once these settings are made, the Transfer