Step by Step
Operating the Telephone with the Display
If a fallback system was set up for your Sylantro Server,
you will still be able to use your telephone and the func-
tions of the outage system in case of e.g. a power out-
If your telephone has no connection to the Sylantro
Server, it will automatically connect to the fallback sys-
tem. The message "Temporary limited mode" is dis-
While you are using the fallback system,some functions
Hot- and Warmline Function
Your service personnel can set up a hot or warm line for
your or a specific telephone.
If you pick up the receiver or press the loudspeaker key
on this telephone, the preset number is dialled
immediately in case of a hot line;
after a preset period of time in case of a warm line.
The elevator telephone is set to immediately dial the
front desk’s telephone number.
The telephone next to an in-patient’s bed is set to
dial the ward’s telephone number after e.g. 1
minute if no other number is dialled.