5.4 Chain reel
Milltronics Test Chain
Operating Instructions, 10/2021, A5E32310082-AB
Chain reel
On incline conveyors, the chain reel must be carefully installed upstream of the scale
weighbridge so the chain rolls out with the movement of the belt. "Upstream" is when you
look from the conveyor tail or infeed end towards the head or discharge end of conveyor.
On a level conveyor, locate the reel prior to the scale position.
Facilitate chain rollout over the scale by jogging the belt until the chain is in position.
Mount the reel to the conveyor about 4 to 4.5 idler spaces from the scale center line. This
places the support legs of the reel about 1.5 spaces from the end of the test chain for easy
attachment to the restraining device.
Once the chain has been secured at both ends, the cable from the reel can be detached and
the belt restarted for the calibration process.