Safety precautions
© Siemens AG 2003, E:\Auftrag\Sie
mens\MobilePhones\ME75 Condor\us
left page (10)
of SUG, ME75 CONDOR,140mm, us-en, A31008-H6980-A1-1-7619 (12.10.2005,
Template: X75, 140x105, Version 2.2;
VAR Language:
am; VAR issue date: 050718
4. Do not open or mutilate the bat-
tery. Doing so may cause damage
to the eyes or skin.
5. Exercise care in handling the bat-
tery in order not to short the bat-
tery with conducting materials
such as rings, bracelets, and keys.
The battery or conducting mate-
rial may overheat and cause burns
or fire.
6. Charge the battery provided with,
or identified for use with, this
product only in accordance with
the instructions and limitations
specified in the User's Guide. Do
not attempt to charge the battery
by any means other than those
specified in the User's Guide.