HiPath 1120, Installation Guide
Important Information
Structure of this Manual
Structure of this Manual
This manual provides information about the HiPath 1100 Communications Systems.
This manual was designed to provide information in information mapping format. It is divided
into sections and units that present, as clearly as possible, all steps required to perform specific
tasks when operating the system. It makes it easy for technical personnel to find the information
needed and learn it quickly.
This Installation Gude is an extract of the HiPath 1100 Service Manual which describes all
Models of the HiPath 1100 family. More details and all Chapters could be found there.
Main sections of this Manual.
Chapter 2, “System Data” provides a overview of the HiPath 1100 system.
Chapter 3, “Installation” provides information on how to setup and install the HiPath 1100,
including recommendations and important notes.