This guide is designed to assist extension users on a Siemens Hicom 150
Communication System to use all authorised features.
Your extension may not be authorised
to use all features. The Siemens
representative can confirm features that are available to you.
authorised features are those features that your company has designated
for your use and may vary from extension to extension.
Your extension may also be subject to trunk barring thus restricting where you
may dial.
Range of optiset E Instruments
A variety of optiset E screen based instruments are available for use on the
Hicom 150:
optiset E standard
- Loudspeaking
No Key Modules
No adapter plug-in positions
optiset E advance plus
- Loudspeaking
Key Modules
Two adapter plug-in positions
optiset E memory
- Loudspeaking
Key Modules
Two adapter plug-in positions
A Key Module is an add-on terminal with 16 programmable keys.
The optiset E telephones are Digital Feature instruments that have 12
programmable keys.