Installation via the input prompt
33 | 412
Building Technologies
Fire Safety
2018-08-29 Calling up an initialization file
You have created an initialization file that includes all the necessary parameter
Proceed as for the default installation and enter the command '/FILE="answer
file"' after the '/S' sequence of characters, where 'answer file' must contain the
path and the name of the initialization file, e.g., '>F-F-FX7230-NL_nl_2-
7.0.0.R.exe /S /FILE="C:\Users\User1\answerfile.ini"'.
3.6.5 Validation and error log file
You must formulate the parameter commands correctly using the following rules:
The paths must be correct and complete.
The installation path and the data path must end with the ID of the engineering
tool set, e.g., XS_en-1-V1.0.
The installation path and the data path must not be the same.
There must be sufficient memory for the installation files on the hard disk. See
the chapter 'System requirements [
The Engineering Tool interface language and the BDV language must be valid
and correctly formulated.
If a parameter command contains an invalid value, e.g., an invalid path or an
invalid language, the installation will be interrupted and an error log file created.
The error log file is saved in the same directory as the executable installation file.
The Command Prompt will inform you if the installation has failed. If the
installation is interrupted due to an error, the path for the error log file will be